Fighting Words Friday: He's Made a World of Wonders

Sing to God a brand-new song. He’s made a world of wonders!

- Psalm 98:1 msg

I’m so grateful for this “world of wonders” that we live in, and that in so many ways, creation whispers the truth to us about God’s redemption and beauty. It’s like God wrote a love letter into the fabric of the earth to ever-remind us of who He is and how He loves us: the caterpillar takes flight and helps us remember that God has the power to transform us, the stars whisper about the Light of the World, Himself, who is with us even in our darkest nights. Trees that look dead in the winter begin to hum and burst into spring-green life, reminding us that because of God’s amazing gospel work in Christ, death always gives way to life. What beautiful imagery this “world of wonders” gives to us, reminding us daily that we always have a reason to lift up a brand-new song to our God.

*For the full write-up, turn to page 45 of your Fighting Words Devotional.