Fighting Words Friday: I Will Give You Rest

Come to me, 

You are who are weary and burdened,

And I will give you rest 

- Matthew 11:28

I did this verse a couple weeks ago but I just had to share it again because it has resonated with me so deeply. So thankful that Jesus is full of grace and mercy and life and light, and He’s been kind enough to not leave us in our messes. He meets us in our deepest places of sorrow and hopelessness, and He has all the empathy and hope we’ll ever need, even there in the depths.

His grace is an unforced invitation. We don’t have to lay our burdens down, but we are invited every moment to remember that there is a God who is always with us. A God who loves to keep company with us. Lord help us to remember. May we continue to lean into Your beautiful mystery of hope even in the midst of our darkest days.