Fighting Words Friday: God is Our Refuge

Are you tired? Are you weary? Are you good at asking for help? I’m not so great at that, but I’m learning, and I love this sweet reminder that we have a refuge, a place to come rest, a place to renew our strength, a place to find help when we are in over our heads. May my forgetful heart remember to turn to the One who holds all things together, when I start falling apart. May I wear out the path to the foot of the cross, may I come stumbling and tripping, just as I am to take refuge in the One who loves me most. I so often forget to ask for help, but this verse reminds me that there is an ever-present safe place for me to fall into and to find that I am held even when I get my heart into trouble, even when life’s storms come, there is a place to find both refuge and strength. “A very present help in trouble”, I pray I don’t forget that’s who God is…very present…even on the days full of trouble.