Fighting Words Friday: I, Your God, Have a Firm Grip On You

 I, your God,

    have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go.

I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic.

    I’m right here to help you.

- Isaiah 41:13 MSG

Do you ever feel like you are carrying ALL THE THINGS? Gripping tight, exhausted, and trying to hold it all together for both yourself and the people around you? Me too. I am not great at asking for help, and I often end up running myself into the ground because I just keep trying to muster up the strength/faith/courage to keep going. This is exhausting, and I’m reminded by this verse that I don’t have to carry on like that. What a relief to know that even when we are dropping all the balls, losing our minds, feeling weak, full of doubt or fear, plagued with anxiety or loneliness, God has a firm grip on us. He isn’t letting go. We don’t have to panic, because we have a kind and capable Help.

I ran across this beautiful verse when I was writing “I Will Carry You” with Ben Glover. We had set out to write a song for our daughters. I want all of my kids to know in the depths of their being that they are not alone, and that I’ll be forever in their corner, so “I Will Carry You” was born, but when I ran across this promise in God’s word, all of the sudden it shifted this song for me…reminded me once again that before I’m a mother or adult trying to carry all the things, including my children, I’m God’s kid, and He is an ever-present source of love and help and hope that will carry me when it feels like I can’t carry on any longer. Deeply grateful for this beautiful truth, and I hope this song will forever be a reminder to you that you will NEVER walk alone, and that you can fall apart in the arms of the One who holds all things together. Love will carry you through.