Fighting Words Friday: See What Great Love the Father Has Lavished on Us

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

1 John 3:1

Rivers is three today, but he’ll tell you he’s five if you ask him how old he is. : ) He is bold to ask for all that he needs and never hides how he’s feeling. He comes to us with great joy, great frustration, in great delight, and in great sadness. He’s unashamedly himself, and that is what I love about this verse today from 1 John. It reminds me that we are ALL God’s kids before we’re anything else. It reminds me that we ALL have a place that we belong, a place where the One who made us is like the proud parent in the crowd just cheering us on, even when we don’t get it right. Love is lavished. 

This is one of the verses that connects SO beautifully to “Mine”. I wrote the song for my children, but as I began to sing it over and over in the studio, this is the verse that came to mind. I didn’t write the song from God’s perspective, but I couldn’t help crying as I sang...remembering that before I am a mother, or a songwriter, or a wife, or anything else, I am first and foremost a beloved daughter of the God who made me. I hope you’ve been reminded of that this week, that God rejoices to lavish His love on you. When I can start my days here, remembering I am beloved, it changes everything. Rejoice! God knows you fully and is crazy about you anyway! What sweet news. I hope my kids know this in the deepest fibers of their being, and I hope I remember it too! We are all children of God.