Fighting Words Friday: His Love Endures Forever

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His love endures forever.

- Psalm 136

This has been one of those weeks where I have wept often and let myself grieve deep. I know that death doesn't get the final word, but my goodness, it hurts like hell when you lose someone you love. I've learned how to let myself lament over the past two years, and as I've just had the courage to simply breathe or weep in those wounded places, I have encountered the palpable presence and tenderness and empathy of God. This refrain comes to mind… "His love endures". I've tasted and seen this in my deepest valleys, in my dark nights of the soul... His love endures. His love has met me in my lowest places and carried me through them to a new dawn with mercies to greet each weary place in my soul. 


There is so much hurt in our world right now, the lives lost in Afghanistan and all of the chaos there, the flooding in Waverly, TN leaving 20 dead and 1,500 misplaced whose homes are gone, the earthquake in Haiti stealing so many lives and causing major destruction, and Covid still hospitalizing and taking the lives of so many people. Y'all, the world is an aching and breaking place, and in the same breath, there is still so much beauty and life and light and color here, and… His love endures. Wherever you are, whatever you are walking through, whatever you are grieving, whatever you are hoping for, I pray you sense God is near and feel the comfort of the certainty that His love endures today and every day.