Fighting Words Friday: Taste & See That He is Good

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“Taste and see that the Lord is good;

blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”

- Psalm 34:8 

I love good food. Anyone else? I am HERE for all the flavors, for the dishes I’ve never tried before. I love to eat. And here’s the thing, God sets a banquet table of goodness for our souls each day. We’re invited. We can eat our fill and be satisfied with the richest of fare. So many days, I forget. I think I’m on my own. I think I have to muster up enough energy or goodness or love, when He’s sitting there with a full banquet table just ready for me to come sit and be filled up in every way I need to be.

Oh that I would taste and see more often. Every time, I remember. Every time I come to that beautiful table set lavishly with His love, to His word, or even breathe a prayer of desperation, I am met with mercy, grace, kindness, and love abounding. I am carried when I can’t carry on. I am satisfied when my soul is hungry. My thirst for goodness and peace is quenched.

So bring your parched mouth and soul today to the goodness of God. Stumble and trip into His presence. He has more than enough for you and for me.