Fighting Words Friday: A Spring Whose Waters Never Fail

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The Lord will guide you always,

He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land

and strengthen your frame.

You will be like a well watered garden,

like a spring whose waters never fail.

-Isaiah 58:11

I didn’t expect to find Love in the desert. I didn’t expect to be held and seen in the darkest night of my soul. I didn’t know that I would get to watch it happen with my own eyes as God met me in some of the deepest valleys of pain in my own story and brought healing and refreshment, like a spring coming up from the ground... from out of seemingly NO WHERE! I’m so grateful for the beauty that I’ve tasted and seen even in the midst of things falling apart. 

This verse reminds me that there are hidden reservoirs of peace and light and love that run under whatever ground we’re walking upon. Oh Lord, help me rest in this truth that you are a God who shows up in valleys and in deserts. Whatever we are facing, whatever we are walking through, we are not alone. This is one of the verses that very much inspired my song “Canyon”. There’s a river running through every dream that never came true, and while it broke my heart wide open, like a canyon, the current of God’s love has sprung up in every broken place, bringing healing, comfort, and hope.