Fighting Words Friday: I Will Help You


For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand

and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

-Psalm 34:5

“Hold you me.” Do any of your kids say this? It’s one of my favorite toddler phrases and my heart always breaks a little bit when my kids stop using it. They are unashamed and unembarrassed to ask for help, to ask to simply be held and loved on, or to ask for comfort when they get hurt or feel sad. In so many ways, I want to be like my kids in this way. I want to quickly turn to the Lord when I’m sad, hurt, or weary. I have this tendency to feel like I have to do it all on my own, but then I read a verse like this and remember that He says that He’ll take hold of our hand. And if we’re in the hands of God, no matter what we are facing, we don’t have to fear. We have a kind and consistent Helper who beat death, who always loves, and who is always holding us up and helping us along the way, even when we lose our way. Thank you for the kindness of Your companionship through valleys and deserts and meadows and mountains, God. Help me to remember that I’m never alone and that I don’t have to muscle through on my own. You take hold of my hand and help me.