Fighting Words Friday: All the Earth


“There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”

-Psalm 19:2-4

This is the verse that inspired my new book Don't Forget To Remember! I am in general a very forgetful person, but I have always been reminded of God's love and faithful kindness by creation. There are rhythms all around us each day that whisper about who God is and how He loves us, and my hope for the book and the songs I wrote to go along with the book is that they will help kids and the adults in their lives tune into the beautiful song creation sings about God's love. I want THIS to be the song that gets stuck in my kids heads. Whether it's the sun that sings the song of God's faithful love and light that will always surround us, or the snowflakes that softly whisper that each one of us is created beautiful and unique, or the stars that bravely sing of God's light always being stronger than the darkness, I love the idea that when we go outside as a family, we might be reminded of God's strong love for us. I'm so thankful for the universal language of love that God expresses through creation day in and day out, and here's to hoping this new book helps me and my kids listen more closely to the lovely song creation sings and proclaims each day.