Fighting Words Friday: True, Deep Rest


“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.  Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

- Psalm 62:1-2

Do y’all feel crazy busy this fall? Every fall? We usually do with both Drew and I on tour in some way or another, so I LOVE this verse. I’m so thankful for a solid place to land in this crazy, busy life we live. I’ve been waking up earlier than normal these days, because as our days are so full, it’s SO important for me to ground myself on the firm foundation of God’s love. When I begin my days there, remembering that He is my rock and my shelter, it shifts most everything else in my busy days. Lord, in this crazy busy season, help my restless heart to find true and deep REST in You.