Fighting Words Friday: Prayer in the Night

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“On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to You, Your right hand upholds me.”

- Psalm 63:6-8

Have any of you ever had a restless nights sleep? I know I have. My precious mother in law once told me that when she is really restless at night and can't fall back asleep, she takes it as an opportunity to pray. She always says, "The Lord must be waking me up to pray for somebody who needs it, so I just lay in bed and begin lifting up whoever comes to mind." I love that so much, and I have followed her lead many a restless night. It has been so beautiful to turn what is usually a stressful situation (not being able to get back to sleep) as an invitation into prayer and conversation with God.

This verse from Psalm 63 makes me think of those moments during restless nights, when instead of worrying, I am learning to shift my gaze to my Help and sing/pray under the shadow of His wings. So grateful that when we turn to cling to Him, His right hand is there to hold us up... even when we can't hold ourselves up. I hope you sleep so well tonight, but if you don't, I hope you'll think of the Lord, your helper, through the watches of the night.