Fighting Words Friday: Steadfast Love

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I love David, the author of many of the Psalms. I love how he closes Psalm 138. He reminds his soul that the Lord WILL be faithful! What a relief, y’all! God, who called us and drew us to Himself, is faithful and will be faithful to complete the good work He starts in us. After all, ”His love endures forever.” But then, as certain as these statements of God’s faithfulness sound, David prays—“do not abandon the works of your hands.” Do y’all feel like this some days? You are certain of who God is and of how He loves faithfully, but then you wonder if that love will be applied to you and the messes you make with your heart and your choices? I have BEEN there, and I love how David is always trying to boss his soul around, reminding himself of what is true, but in the same breath, he isn’t scared to be honest with God and to direct his hurt, his fear, his doubt, and his longings to the one whose love endures forever. May we be like that, reminding ourselves of what is true, but coming as we are… with all of our pain and questions and sorrow. God can handle us, and He loves it when we draw near to Him. He’s not scared or overwhelmed by our mess, and He doesn’t abandon the work of His hands (Phil 1:6). The God whose love lasts for all eternity WILL fulfill His purpose for us. I am always transformed as I come to Him honestly and encounter the unending nature of His love for me even when I am at my worst, and I’m grateful for the way I’ve learned how to do this as I read David doing it over and over again in the Psalms.