Fighting Words Friday: Even There Your Hand Will Guide Me

Fighting Words Friday 7-30-21.jpg

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,

    if I settle on the far side of the sea,

 even there your hand will guide me,

    your right hand will hold me fast.

-Psalm 139:9-10

Do "ifs" ever run through your mind like crazy? What "if" I don't get the job I was hoping for? What "if" I'm not strong enough to make it through this next season? What "if" I fail this test? What "if" one of my kids gets really hurt? What "if" I lose someone I love? For me those "if" questions get loud and they roll around in my brain some days, usually propelled by worry and fear, but then there's this beautiful verse, reminding us that in all of our "if" scenarios, there is a strong hand to guide us and hold us fast.

This is one of the verses that I thought of when I was writing the bridge to Color. I'm so grateful that truth isn't just black and white or binary, the truth of God's love is demonstrated for us in the warm, colorful, breathing, and living person of Jesus. I'm deeply grateful for the ways His hand has guided and comforted me, for the ways that for every IF, He has been there. You are not alone. There is a strong and steady hand to guide you. Thanks be to God.