Fighting Words Friday: He Heals the Brokenhearted

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He heals the brokenhearted

and binds up their wounds.

-Psalm 147:3

If there is anything that I’ve known and experienced first hand, it is this. My heart has been broken so many times in these 38 years of being alive, but I have known the healing and comfort of God in these places. I have experienced the way He binds up our wounds with love and tender care, the way He’s let me just fall apart and sob on His shoulder. That’s the crazy and upside down thing about God. He broke for us, so we could know that we are never alone, especially when our hearts break open.

I watched a lot of water this week as we traveled across the country. I saw a lot of incredible water falls, and was reminded over and over again that water always moves to the lowest place. So does love. The love of God is like living water that seeps into the cracks and crevices of our hearts broken by pain and loss and long winters, and brings life and healing and comfort. My heart has been generally heavy this past year, as I’ve pondered so much that the world has lost, as I’ve woken up in new ways to the pain that racism has and continues to cause, as I’ve visited some of the deepest wounds in my own story, and seen how many people have lost ones they love to this virus and not even been able to say a proper goodbye. We’ve all had heavy and broken hearts this year in one way or another because we’ve all lost things, but my goodness, we can take heart because Love, just like water, always runs to meet us in our lowest place and carry us when it feels that we can’t carry on any longer. May we remember we are beloved, even when we are broken.