Fighting Words Friday: Never Covered with Shame


“Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.”

- Psalm 34:5

Shame. Cancel culture. It’s real. You make one wrong move or say one wrong thing on social media these days, and it seems that you get crucified. How many times do we look for the approval of others in our lives or on social media for affirmation or approval? How many times has that lead to feelings of shame and unworthiness? For me? Countless times, but I’m learning a new rhythm, a new posture... and it’s lovely. Instead of looking around me to see what others think, I’m lifting my eyes to the hills, remembering where my help comes from and to whom I really belong. My identity is not something that can be stripped away by some negative comment on social media or by any mistake I make. I can simply lift my head to the One who made me and loves me, confess when I’ve gotten wrong, and receive both grace and deep love and belonging. When I do this, it doesn’t matter how I perform, or what others think of me. I’m just resting in the truth that my identity is grounded in a love that runs deeper than my biggest mistakes or mishaps and wider than the world that I so often run to for approval. Lord, help me be quick to look to You, that I might remember Your love and reflect Your light and beauty back into the world around me.