Fighting Words Friday: His Spirit Who Lives in You


And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

-Romans 8:11

Do any of y’all struggle with fear like I do? I can be fine one minute, and then all of the sudden I’m playing out the future and projecting all of the awful things that might happen in the days to come. I’ve heard it said that anxiety and fear come with imagining the future without Jesus by our side. This rings SO true for me because I’ve seen Jesus draw so near even when some of my worst fears came true. God moves toward the suffering, toward those whose heads are bent low, and I’ve encountered Him in those places. I’ve known His comfort when things did not go as I prayed they would, in the wake of tragedy and deep loss, in the places broken and messy, in the dark nights of my soul, and in the midst of still having unanswered questions and deep grief. 

Jesus confronted every fear we’ll ever face and conquered each one with a mighty love that will never end. Lord, help me to remember that when I am afraid, I can cry out to You. You hear me, and Your love is big enough to meet me in the midst of any fear I’ll ever face. Help me live out of this place of belonging, and when fear comes knocking on my heart, may I answer it by crying out to You and remembering that You are a God who meets us in the middle of our darkest nights and deepest fears.