Fighting Words Friday: He Lifted them Up

In all their distress he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.

-Isaiah 63:9b

I LOVE this verse. I needed it this week. Like so many of you,  I’m working full time, and now somewhat homeschooling my two older children. We made it, but we all needed LOTS of grace this week, so when I read this verse, I wanted to cry.  “In all their distress he too was distressed.” This reminds me that God can  empathize with us. He sent his Son down to this mess of a world we’re in, so we could see God listen, so we could see God thirst, hunger, weep, and wander. We do not have a God who is unable to empathize with us (Heb 4:15). He knew temptation, brokenness, and death, but He came to rescue, redeem, mend, and bring LIFE. Forever.

He was perfect so we wouldn’t have to be. He died, so we could know death never has the final word. “In his love and mercy”, He redeems us. He lifts us up and carries us “all the days of old”. I’m learning that God’s love is ever-present. He’s at the ready to carry my burdens, to renew my heart, to breathe new life into places that I feel too tired to keep going. He’s at the ready to give me peace, hope, joy, to continue changing and transforming me.

Lord, help me turn to you when I am distressed. Thank you that You’re a God who knows us, who knows how complicated and hard and hurtful it can be to simply be a human. Thank you that you make a way for us to be lifted and carried every day. Help me to lean into You, and to remember You have carried us from the days of old, and You’ll carry us still. I’m breathing deep today and remembering His ancient and ever-present love. I wrote a song that was grounded in this verse a few years ago called “Place my Hope” and I’ll close today’s post with some lyrics from that song. 

“I will lift my eyes from this fragile life, You will rescue me, You are my prince of peace, and I’ll lift up my soul, to You, who makes things whole, oh mercy, love of old, in You I place my hope. I place my hope.”