Fighting Words Friday: He Cares for You


“Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”

- 1 Peter. 5:7

I read this verse this morning, and just went ahead and cried. These days are heavy and there is so much unknown. The report came out yesterday that 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment. Our globe is in a health and economic crisis, and the headlines are not uplifting. The news right now is usually so sad. There are people out of work, people out of time, people out of hope. I cannot imagine a sweeter promise to hang onto during this season. There are SO many anxieties that we’re all carrying around right now. When my chest gets tight these days and the worry starts clouding my thoughts, I’ve been putting my hands on my heart and speaking this verse to myself. It has been beautiful to practice letting go of each anxious thought, and then fixing my gaze on the one who cares for me best.

This doesn’t necessarily change my circumstances, but every time I really lean into this truth, it begins to replace worry with peace. It is a gift to know that even in the midst of this chaos, God is near and He cares. He sees us and we can ask Him for help. So here’s my encouragement to myself and to you today. Let go of what’s worrying you and place it in the hands of Love. See what happens in your heart when you remind yourself that no matter what, there is a God who loves you and cares for you. This is one verse that inspired one of the songs on my new kids album. “Light of Your Love” is one of those songs I wrote, having no idea how badly I’d need to hear the truth it carried just a month after it released into the world.  The bridge to “Light of Your Love” says this: I can let go, cause You won’t ever let go of me. Lord, help me let go of worry and hold onto Love today.