Fighting Words Friday: I Am with You Always


“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

-Matthew 28:20

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I know it feels this way right now. I feel it too. I miss hugging people. I miss proximity to others. I miss being in a room full of other people singing along to songs they know and love. I miss being at church and standing in line as we wait to take communion together. I miss busy restaurants and children playing happily with other kids at the playground. These days are isolated, and if you are living alone right now, especially lean in… Love is with you. God is love and you can’t feel Him some days, but it doesn’t change the truth that He’s got you right in the palm of His hand.

When we pray for our friends and family, a lot of times my kids will ask if we can just sing “He’s got the whole world in His hands,” but they put our friends’ and family’s names in the song... ”He’s got Bebe and Pop Pop in His hands.” I hope you sense today that beneath you and around you are the Everlasting arms, and I hope you’ll lean into them and feel a little less alone. You are not alone today, “and to the very end of the age”. Let out the sadness and fear and worry. He can take and hold it all. It’s ok for us to lament in this season. Considering everything we are facing as a globe, it’s appropriate for goodness sake, but it’s also so appropriate and important to hold onto the hope that we aren’t alone and that this suffering isn’t the end of the story. I’m grateful that’s true and I will anchor down in the truth and beauty and comfort of a God who is with us always.