Fighting Words Friday: Dwelling Among Us


The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

-John 1:14 NIV

I love the audacity of God. It feels like the CRAZIEST plan, to put your son into the arms of a teenage girl, to send your son into a world that is broken. It feels like a bold risk to take, but such a beautiful one. God wrapped himself in flesh and lived among us to help us know that His heart isn’t out to get us. He’s out to draw us near. Thanking God for the way He became one of us and broke FOR us so we could know that our brokenness is NEVER the end of the story. Into the darkest nights of our soul comes the LIGHT of the world, our Prince of Peace, our Redeemer and Brother, our Advocate and Friend. He made his dwelling among us so we could ever make our dwelling in the beauty of all His love. 

He also came with BOTH truth and grace, and we need both. Lord, help me to make my dwelling place in Your love. Help me to move through my days like you, full of truth and grace, knowing that I am abundantly loved even though I am an absolute mess! So grateful for the Living Word, Jesus, and for the way He helps us see into the very heart of God. So thankful for the heart of God that beats for this broken mess of a world. It’s the most beautiful story I know.