“I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”
-Psalm 4:8
I memorized this verse a long time ago after our house was broken into. We were not home when it happened, but I still remember feeling violated and so so afraid, especially at night. I wrote this verse on cards and put them all over my house... on the fridge, on the front door so I’d see it as I walked out every day, on the bathroom mirror, in my car. I would say this verse over and over again at night. I still felt afraid, but there was some measure of comfort that came with repeating this truth again and again, until one night, as I was speaking this verse out loud, it clicked. Something shifted in my spirit, and I wasn’t just saying the words I knew to be true, I really believed them.
I remembered that my days are numbered, and all the days ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be. I remembered that even death doesn’t win in the end, because Jesus defeated death, and I remembered that God is with me and will be with me now and forever, and that no matter what trial or pain or loss I experience in this life, there is life and love and light that will swallow up death forever one day. I’m so grateful for the way that memorizing scripture has helped me ground myself in the most beautiful story I know, and for the way that rooting myself in God’s word and God’s love has helped me to sleep in peace, to experience peace even in the midst of the most difficult trials I’ve faced. Lord, help me to remember that ultimately, You are my protector and provider, and Your love never fails.