Fighting Words Friday: Shout For Joy

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For the Lord is good.
His love endures forever. 
His faithfulness continues through all generations.

These three statements give me such hope. God is good and trustworthy, even when our circumstances are hard, even when we are in a season of longing or loss, His goodness doesn’t change. God’s love endures, it NEVER runs out on us. My kids LOVE the song “One Thing Remains.” I can’t tell you how sweet it is to hear them belt these lyrics out in the car: “Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me.”

I love hearing them sing of God’s enduring love, because it’s one of the truest things I’ve experienced in my life. God’s love meeting me in my most broken places, the places of my deepest loss and longing, the places where I still have questions and doubts, and then as I hear my children sing this truth, I’m reminded of the last part of this verse from Psalm 100, “His faithfulness continues through all generations.” He doesn’t change, and even though I know I will fall short as parent (though it’s the LAST thing I ever want to do), I’m reminded that God is a GOOD and LOVING Father who will be faithful to me and who will be faithful to my kids and their kids too, no matter what... So grateful for this simple and beautiful truth and for the way it gives us good reason to SING and to REJOICE with our voices and with our very lives.